--> Last night kind of sucked, for reasons that are none of your damn business. And so, as is my wont, in my consequent insomniac state I managed to transfer that suckiness to every aspect of my life, work, art and career, such that by 4:30 this morning I had retired from showbusiness, dyed my hair brown, adopted three cats, moved back to New England and gotten a job at a strip-mall Circuit City. And then I realized several things:
One, Circuit City
went bankrupt years ago;
Two, I really,
really dislike cats; and
Three, It’s up to me
to choose to end this year on a positive note.
Complaining is easier than praise: that’s why the bad Yelp
reviews run to sixteen paragraphs of ungrammatical vitriol, while the good ones
are three words long (“That was awesome!!!”).
And while we all love a good razor-sharp Dorothy Parker-style evisceration*,
today - for once - before that magical transformation that happens at the
stroke of midnight apparently, I choose to defy that instinct and talk about a
few of the things that impressed, delighted and inspired me this past year.
In no particular order, and without anyone having had to
solicit website votes to be included, here are Some Things I Liked A Lot This
• Penny Wren’s ‘Horny
Penguin’ act (Brooklyn)
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Photos: Mo Pitz |
I don’t know if this act has a title, and I’m hesitant to
attempt to describe it in detail as I don’t think I can do it any justice. It
is an incredibly, almost devastatingly personal piece that to me (I can’t and
won’t attempt to speak to whatever inspired Flirty to create the act, or what
statement she might personally intend it to make) is a meditation on the
physical and emotional effects of abuse, and the possibility of transcending
those effects. Conceptually it was incredible, and beautifully executed: there
was a tremendous strength and an almost deceptive calm to the performance that
seemed exactly right to me. It pushed the boundaries of “burlesque” in an
absolutely inspiring way - the word “stunning” applies all over the place in
relation to this act.
Also I had to perform myself shortly after watching it …
which meant completely re-doing my sobbed-off makeup on the fly. Thanks a lot, Sanchez.
• Bathtub Gin (Manhattan)
I’ve had the privilege of performing regularly at Bathtub
Gin with Wasabassco for almost exactly a year now, and it has become one of my
absolute favorite venues of, like, ever. Not a performance space per se, it’s
rather an intimate, immaculately-decorated back-room speakeasy. (The entrance
is through a coffee shop so deceptively perfect that it’s easy to miss the
venue entirely.) (And the coffee is damn good, too.) The fancy-ass cocktails
are delicious, there are big squooshy couches, you can order s’mores for
dessert, and yes, there’s a bathtub - all of which is fantastic for the
audience. From the performers’ and producer’s point of view, it has been an
utter delight to work in such a lovely space with a staff that is across the
board pleasant, thoughtful, and eager to work with us to create the best
evening of entertainment possible.
And the fancy-ass cocktails are delicious.
• Mr. Gorgeous (NYC)
Another of the great joys of this past year was getting to
perform more often with Mr. Gorgeous, who has become one of my absolute
favorite people both to work with and to watch. His acts are splendid, from
concept (often ‘masculinizing’ traditional elements of burlesque in wonderfully
effective ways) to execution (he’s a fantastic prop- and costume-builder) to
performance (not only a skilled acrobat, he also acts the hell out of every
character he performs).
Also he’s lovely to share a backstage with and has an
idiotic streak a mile wide. ***
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Photo: Edgar Delacroix |
St. Stella is a delightfully dreamy art student and James is
a (well-cast) Classical sculpture whose worlds collide … this act is smart,
loving, wry, visually beautiful, and again tremendously joyous (as much as
utter idiocy, I am eternally inspired and energized by performers who take the
stage with such a radiant joy). I’ve
seen James and St. Stella perform together and individually, I’ve shared
several backstages (and, for a weekend, their lovely apartment) with these
folks, and I can’t wait for more.
(… And while I’m on the subject, a brief bit of sloppy love
to Boylesque T.O. and the Toronto burlesque scene
in general. Holy crap is there some fabulous stuff happening up there.)
• Amanda Whip (NYC)
It is difficult to describe Amanda Whip without resorting to
inarticulate drool … but it is a drool based on extreme professional respect, I
assure you. To say that she is a fantastic “stage manager” or “stage kitten”
doesn’t do justice to her amazing ability to pull just enough order from the
surrounding chaos to make a show run smoothly, while still leaving room for the
unexpected to happen. She is utterly fearless, truly gorgeous yet always
willing to look like a complete idiot ***, amazingly bendy, and one of the most
utterly warped and depraved souls I have ever met in such a deceptively sweet
and innocent body.
Also she lets me bite her pasties off in a professional
capacity on a monthly basis.
Also and in brief:
• I first met photographer Ben Trivett when I woke up to
find him asleep on the floor of my Orlando hotel room a few years ago, but I
didn’t get a chance to shoot with him until this summer. He’s incredible.
Seriously: interweb-stalk him.
• Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret made me want to move to
Denver (and share a clubhouse with, among other people, Midnite Martini and
Naughty Pierre). Rarely have I experienced such tremendous architectural envy.
• Polesque 's yearly pole-dancing-burlesque-hybrid competition is one of the most literally jaw-dropping shows I have ever seen. I look forward to the next one.
... I’m leaving it there, even though (happily) the list keeps
expanding even as I write it. But I invite everyone to reflect on the people,
performances, places (and other p-words) that inspired, surprised or delighted
you this year – whether or not you choose to share it somewhere (and I hope you
do), it’s helpful to take a minute at the end of what has been for many of us a professionally vexatious season and head into the next year with the
good stuff close behind us.
* While forgetting that for
all her vermouth-soaked snark, Dorothy Parker was both a genius and a skilled and thoughtful critic. Your average
FaceTube comment-troll is neither.
** Look it up.
*** This is, for the record,
pretty much my highest term of praise.